Sea Scout Ship 25

Washington, DC Coast Guard Auxiliary Maritime Youth Program

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What We Do

What Does the Ship Do?

Read the following, and then take a look at our Calendar of Events.

  • Experience and Master Maritime Activities. We receive training in seamanship. During regular ship meetings and outings, and during special adventures like the weekend of Coast Guard “Safety at Sea” training, we learn from our Auxiliary consultants and the Skipper’s Staff about most maritime aspects of sailing, paddling and motoring. Yes, we actually get into and pilot boats on the Potomac River. We also receive advanced training opportunities after we have mastered the basics. The Ship can compete in national competitions, like the Koch International Sea Scout Cup, or have its members cruise aboard “America’s Tall Ship” the U.S.C.G Barque Eagle. No matter what draws you to the water, a hobby of recreational boating or even a future career in the military or maritime industry, Sea Scouting will provide hands-on training that will put you one-step ahead of the rest, no matter the path you choose.
  • Exercise Leadership. We receive basic and advanced leadership training in experiences ranging from our introductory leadership seminar for all newer members.  Better yet, we elect our leaders and actually run our organization as officers with the advice of experienced adults. We wear insignia of the offices to which we are elected or appointed. 
  • Serve our City and Country. We engage in service projects to assist the Southwest neighborhood where we meet and the families of active duty Coast Guard members. We team with our Auxiliary consultants and Skippers to promote safe boating during public activities and events. While doing so, we provide an example to our friends and others about the importance of serving and upgrading the quality of life in our community.
  • Receive Awards and Recognition. We work hard during our educational, operational, leadership and community service activities. As a result, we receive nationally recognized personal awards known as “ranks”, as well as recognition for serving in Ship 25 leadership positions. You can also earn valuable certifications in Scuba, boating safety, lifesaving, and CPR. Each certification and level of advancement marks your personal growth. Universities, maritime academies and employers (including the military) recognize Sea Scout rank achievement as a reason to favor Sea Scout applicants.
  • Make and Enjoy Friendships. We spend a lot of time getting to know the other young women and men in our Ship. We are as welcoming and diverse a group as you are going to find in the District of Columbia.