Young Americans have been earning awards and advancement in Sea Scouting since 1912. Even though the requirements to earn our iconic “Ranks” and other special awards have modernized with the times and technology developments, the purpose of the Sea Scout advancement system remains the same: to teach lifelong maritime skills and leadership which will enhance and sustain the quality of life for members and fellow citizens. This section details what is available for you to earn. For a list of the advancement requirements for each Rank, consult the Advancement Section of the Sea Scout National Website.
You Set Your Own Pace
Advancement is available to everyone and most Sea Scouts are interested in it. However, everyone has his or her own set of time priorities, so you can choose the pace of your advancement work. The Ship officers will never pressure you to move quickly.
How to Earn Awards and Advance
In Sea Scout Ship 25, you will qualify for awards and will advance through Sea Scout Ranks just by attending and fully participating in our meetings, events and special outings. This is because our Auxiliary and Scouting advancement advisors have identified fun activities that will satisfy Rank requirements. The youth officers round-out these activities by including a lot of social time and activities just for the fun of it.
There are four Sea Scout Ranks that you will have the opportunity to earn in Ship 25. Our hope is that every Sea Scout reaches at least “Ordinary Rank”. By doing so, you will have completed the basic curriculum of seamanship skills, community service and leadership that Sea Scouts and the Auxiliary want you to experience. Here are all four Sea Scout Ranks:

Apprentice Sea Scout
It takes six months to earn this Rank. Apprentice Sea Scouts from Ship 25 understand Sea Scout, Coast Guard and Auxiliary history and ideals. They have been active Ship members and have engaged in introductory leadership activities. They have demonstrated swimming ability and understand basic Sea Scout and Auxiliary safety practices. They have begun to master the art of heaving lines and tying knots in them. In Ship 25, they will have studied and piloted boats and begun to master their characteristics. Finally, Apprentice Sea Scouts will have provided visible service to our community and the Auxiliary.
Yes, you are well underway when you receive your one-bar Apprentice Rank Insignia, just like your predecessors since 1912.

Ordinary Sea Scout
It takes an additional six months to earn the Ordinary Rank. It is a big challenge to become an Ordinary Sea Scout – but the Skipper’s Staff and Auxiliarists will indeed help you get there. Just scan the great activities you will experience earning it. Ordinary Sea Scouts will have undergone significant leadership training and will have demonstrated their capabilities by serving as an officer and leading a major Ship activity.
Ordinary Sea Scouts have not yet mastered boating, but they will have piloted paddle craft, sail craft and power craft and will have engaged in activities like anchoring a vessel. They will be well qualified with lines, knots, ground tackle, and the practical aspects of deck seamanship. They will be thoroughly familiar with Coast Guard and Scouting water safety rules and will have cooked a full meal in a marine galley circumstance. They will understand essentials of marine environmental protection and same navigation of a vessel down the busy Potomac.
Ordinary Sea Scouts from Auxiliary Sea Scout Ships have the respect of mariners over the world. Your parents and you will be especially proud when you receive your two-bar Ordinary Rank Insignia.

The Advanced Ranks of Able Sea Scout and Quartermaster
After you earn your Ordinary Rank, you can choose to continue by earning the advanced Ranks. This work will increasingly focus on developing your leadership abilities and fine-tuning your seamanship capabilities to an advanced or even master capability. Experiences will include organizing and experiencing long cruises.
Quartermasters will have commanded at least 40 nights worth of cruises. Scuba, ocean sailing, white water kayaking, rafting, racing, marine engine maintenance and many other electives will round out the experience.
The Ranks of Able Sea Scout and the rarely presented Quartermaster Award are so respected that recipients are regarded as having mastered the principles of seamanship at a very advanced level. Advanced level Rank holders benefit by having:
- an increased likelihood of admission to maritime and military academies, such as the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New, London, Connecticut;
- a highly credible extra-curricular activity to boost the impact of any college or military application;
- higher pay from military employers from day one;
- for Quartermasters, access to scholarships, the BSA’s Quartermaster alumni organization and career mentoring from other Quartermasters.
Receiving Your Rank
When you have completed the requirement for a Rank, you will have a conference with the Skipper. If there is agreement that you are ready, your application will be forwarded to the “Bridge of Review”, which is a small group of Ship 25 Committee members and youth officers. You will appear before this group, which will decide if the Rank is to be awarded. As soon as it is approved, you will receive your Rank insignia at an impressive ceremony called a “Bridge of Honor”.

Other Recognition
- Sea Scouts who complete a nationally conducted Sea Scouts Advanced Leadership Training receive and wear the prestigious SEAL Badge, worn on the uniform.
- A Long Cruise Badge is awarded to Sea Scouts when they have accumulated at least 14 nights of Sea Scout cruising.
- Sea Scouts earn the Swimming and Lifesaving Merit Badges as part of their advancement activities.
- Sea Scouts may earn the BSA Lifeguard emblem (required for Quartermasters).
- Specialized emblems for boardsailing, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, snorkeling and mile swimming are available.
- Women or men who have reached the Scouts BSA Rank of First Class before joining Ship 25 can continue Scouts BSA advancement while a member of the ship, including progressing to Eagle Scout.
Sea Scout Marksmanship Award
An optional shooting sports award is available. Sea Scouts can begin with Basic Shooter requirements for rifle, shotgun or pistol, and can advance through intermediate and advanced levels to the ultimate level of expert. A specialized metal badge with advancement arcs is presented to qualifiers.
Coast Guard Auxiliary Awards
Additional awards are available through the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. As a Ship that is part of Division 25’s AUXSCOUT Program, you will be oriented to these awards after joining us.